Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Welcome to Pretty Little Palace!

I am excited to begin the next chapter of my blogging journey here at Pretty Little Palace! I have a teaching blog called One Lesson at a Time, where I share ideas, tips, and resources for the classroom. In addition to creating teaching materials, I love to design all kinds of printables and crafts. I wanted to create a space where I could share some fun things that don't quite "fit" on my teaching blog. And so....Pretty Little Palace was born! I plan to use this blog to share fun printables, ideas that I stumble upon as I plan my upcoming wedding, and other random bits of glittery goodness.

So here's a little poster I made last night. You can click {HERE} to download the PDF version for printing.

I hope you'll join me here again at Pretty Little Palace! To stay up-to-date, make sure to follow along on BlogLovin' or Google Friend Connect!


  1. So excited to follow you on your journey! I have an educational blog and just recently started my own personal blog for the exact same reason! It has been a bit time consuming juggling both, but I am really enjoying it!

    HAPPy as We Know It
    <a href=">The Second Grade Superkids</a>

  2. Thanks, Krista! I just checked out your personal blog and it is so cute!! :)
